Mountain Tea (Sideritis spp.)

Common Names: Greek Mountain Tea, Shepherd’s Tea, Ironwort

Family: Lamiaceae (Mint family)

Description: Mountain Tea refers to several species of the Sideritis plant, which grow predominantly in the mountainous regions of the Mediterranean and the Balkans. These hardy, perennial herbs are admired for their resilience, thriving in rocky soils at high altitudes. Thus the various species of Sideritis have adapted to high elevations, often found on rocky slopes and cliffs. They are native to the Mediterranean region, with a significant presence in Greece where it is also regarded highly for it’s quality. The plants bear small, woolly white flowers and light green, aromatic leaves, which have been harvested for centuries for their health benefits.


Culinary Uses:

Sideritis is celebrated for its pleasant flavor and a multitude of health benefits. Traditionally, the herb is used to make a soothing tea known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties. It is believed to aid in digestion, boost the immune system, and reduce anxiety. The tea is also used to relieve cold symptoms, due to its expectorant properties.

Making Mountain Tea:

You’ll need 1 tablespoon of fresh sideritis leaves (or 1 teaspoon of dried sideritis ) and 1 cup of boiling water.

Rinse the leaves under cold water. If using fresh sideritis, chop the leaves to release their essential oils.

Place the leaves in a teapot or cup and pour boiling water over it. Cover and steep for about 5 minutes.

Strain the tea to remove the leaves. You can sweeten it with honey or lemon for taste if desired.

Experience the Authentic Greek Mountain Tea

Discover the soothing and healthful benefits of our premium Sideritis, harvested directly from the Mediterranean mountains

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Cultivation of Mountain Tea:

Growing Sideritis in your garden or on your property can be both rewarding and beneficial, providing easy access to its leaves for culinary, medicinal, and gardening uses.


Mountain Tea (Sideritis spp.) stands out as a testament to nature’s bounty, offering a wealth of health benefits, nutritional value, and historical significance. By embracing it both in your garden and diet, you unlock the door to natural wellness and a deeper connection with herbal traditions. Explore the ancient and modern uses of this exquisite tea to enrich your life and environment.

Frequently Asked Questions About Mountain Tea (Sideritis spp.)

Q: Can Mountain Tea be consumed daily?

A: Yes, it can be enjoyed daily. Its mild flavor and numerous health benefits make it a wonderful addition to your daily routine.

Q: How does Mountain Tea taste?

A: Sideritis in general have a mild, somewhat sweet flavor with earthy notes. It is less bitter than traditional teas and can have a floral aroma.

Q: Are there different varieties of Mountain Tea?

A: Yes, there are many species of Sideritis, each with slight variations in taste and appearance. The most common type used for tea in Greece is Sideritis scardica.

Q: Where can I find Mountain Tea?

A: Mountain tea grows as a wild herb in the mountainous regions of Greece. You can buy it from specialty tea shops, health food stores and reputable online retailers. Always look for a certified organic product to ensure the highest quality. Discover the Greek, certified 100% organic, high quality Premium Mountain Tea LelexTea in our online store, LelexTea or in our local store.


Our crops are grown with love and respect for Nature.


The herbs are of excellent quality handpicked.


The combination and proportions of herbs are based on ancient and new recipes.


Our packages are protected from the sun, moisture and temperature.


Although Mountain Tea is generally safe for culinary use, medicinal use should be approached with caution and everything mentioned is for educational purposes only. Pregnant and nursing women should always consult a healthcare professional before using Mountain Tea as a remedy.