Tribulus Terrestris

Common Names: Puncture Vine, Caltrop , Devil’s Thorn, Goat’s Head
Family: Zygophyllaceae

Tribulus Terrestris is a low-growing, flowering plant known for its spiny fruit, which has been used for centuries in traditional medicine in various cultures. This hardy plant prefers dry, hot climates and is often found in desert areas and sandy soils. It is drought tolerant and can spread quickly, covering large areas. And because of how well it has adapted to these conditions, you will spread it widely in areas with a dry climate and it can thrive even in poor soil conditions, making it common in many parts of the world, including the Mediterranean region, especially in Greece where the sunny landscapes help it grow well. At the same time it grows in Asia, Africa and Australia.

tribulus terrestris wild


Tribulus Terrestris has a long history in traditional medicine, including Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and by ancient Greek herbalists where it was used to support urinary tract health, enhance libido, and improve overall vitality. Even up to modern times, studies are still investigating its potential effects, especially the effects it can have on hormones and hormone levels, for example, studies have shown that Tribulus Terrestris can increase testosterone levels, although the results are mixed and further research is needed.

Culinary Uses:
While not widely known for its culinary applications, the fruits and leaves of Tribulus Terrestris have been used in some traditional cuisines and herbal teas, mainly for their medicinal properties rather than flavor.

tribulus terrestris wild

Tribulus Terrestris tea:
Tribulus Terrestris tea can have a variety of beneficial effects ranging from increased libido in both men and women to fluid excretion and support of the kidneys, There are even some traditional uses which support heart health and reducing symptoms associated with high blood pressure.

Making Tribulus Terrestris Tea:
You’ll need 1 tablespoon of Tribulus Terrestris tea and 1 cup of boiling water.
Place the tea in a teapot or cup and pour boiling water over it. Cover and steep for about 5 minutes.
Strain the tea to remove the components. You can sweeten it with honey or lemon for taste if desired.

Tribulus Terrestris stands out as a testament to nature’s bounty, offering a wealth of health benefits, nutritional value, and historical significance. By embracing it in your garden and diet, you unlock the door to natural wellness and a deeper connection with herbal traditions. Explore the ancient and modern uses of Tribulus Terrestris to enrich your life and environment.

Frequently Asked Questions About Tribulus Terrestris

Q: Can Tribulus Terrestris really increase testosterone levels?
A: Research on it’s use and testosterone levels has produced mixed results. Some studies suggest it may improve sexual function and increase testosterone levels in animals, but evidence in humans is limited and inconclusive. It’s important to consult healthcare professionals for personalized advice.

Q: Is Tribulus Terrestris safe for everyone to use?
A: While it is generally safe for most people when taken in moderation, it is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women, children, or individuals with certain medical conditions, such as hormone-sensitive cancers or serious liver or kidney disease. Always consult a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement.

Q: How should Tribulus Terrestris be taken for best results?
A: The optimal dosage can vary based on the individual’s health status, age, and the product’s concentration. It’s typically taken in capsule or tablet form, or as a tea, but following the manufacturer’s recommended dosage or a healthcare provider’s guidance is essential.

Q: Can Tribulus Terrestris cause any side effects?
A: Some individuals may experience side effects, including stomach pain, cramping, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, or insomnia. If you experience adverse effects, stop taking the supplement and consult a healthcare provider.

Q: How long does it take to notice the effects of Tribulus Terrestris?
A: The time it takes to notice the effects can vary. Some people may observe benefits within a few days, while for others, it may take several weeks. Consistency and adherence to the recommended dosage are key factors in determining its effectiveness.

Q: Can Tribulus Terrestris be taken with other supplements?
A: Yes, it can be taken with other supplements, but it’s important to be cautious about potential interactions, especially with medications or other supplements that affect hormone levels. Consult a healthcare provider to ensure safe combinations.

Q: Where can I find Tribulus Terrestris tea?
A: It grows as a wild herb in the mountainous regions of Greece. You can buy it from specialty tea shops, health food stores and reputable online retailers. Always look for a certified organic product to ensure the highest quality. Discover the Greek, certified 100% organic, high quality Premium Tribulus Terrestris LelexTea in our online store LelexTea or at our local store.


Our crops are grown with love and respect for Nature.


The herbs are of excellent quality handpicked.


The combination and proportions of herbs are based on ancient and new recipes.


Our packages are protected from the sun, moisture and temperature.

Although Tribulus Terrestris is generally safe for culinary use, medicinal use should be approached with caution and everything mentioned is for educational purposes only. Pregnant and nursing women should always consult a healthcare professional before using Tribulus Terrestris as a remedy.